{  Asbestos Abatement and Removal: Oil & Gas Pipelines }

Asbestos Abatement and Removal: Oil & Gas Pipelines

1 Priority Environmental Services has the necessary licensing and employee training as well as experience since 2003 performing the removal of asbestos coatings from miles and miles of oil and gas pipelines. 1 Priority’s work for oil and gas pipelines has included the removal of asbestos / tar sealants and coatings for the entire lengths of pipe, just at cut points for the removal of pipe, or at inspection and repair locations.

1 Priority Environmental Services continues relationships with numerous operators and pipeline service companies. 1 Priority maintains full compliance with Texas State regulations on proper removal and disposal of the asbestos containing materials and PCBs. We prepare meticulous records for every project, and ensure that a completed chain of custody and a signed manifest of proper disposal for all materials is presented to the client at the completion of every project.

Pricing can be provided on a lump sum basis, per unit basis or with hourly rates. 1 Priority often works as a subcontractor and travels with the service company to be ready whenever and where ever needed. Crews have the necessary training, abatement equipment, safety equipment and supplies to meet the demands for this work.

1 Priority’s crews are managed by a 40-hour EPA-NESHAP accredited supervisor and all team members have a minimum 32-hour accreditation. Our service areas are in Texas and Louisiana, though we have worked in numerous states. 1 Priority uses our own personnel on our projects, and we collaborate well with pipeline service companies, demolition contractors and corrosion protection companies.

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